- Break apart the cooked rice with a rice paddle or a wooden spoon, pour on the well-mixed ingredients from (A) in a circular motion and quickly mix in. Spread out the vinegared rice in a tray and allow to cool quickly.
- Prepare the toppings. Cut the avocado into 1 cm (0.4 in.) cubed log-style wedges, and coat evenly with the lemon juice. Stretch out the curled shrimps with your fingers.
- Beat the egg, add in the salt and mix well. Place the vegetable oil into a fry pan over medium heat, pour in the beaten egg and lightly stir with chopsticks or a fork to prepare a scrambled egg.
- Prepare the fat sushi roll. On top of a bamboo mat, place the yakinori seaweed horizontally lengthwise. Make sure to place the yakinori with the smooth side facing downwards.
- Spread the vinegared rice from 1st step onto the yakinori with hands pre-dipped in vinegared water, leaving about 2 cm (0.8 in.) open on the far edge (away from you) and 1 cm (0.4 in.) open on the near edge (close to you).
- Place the ingredients from the 2nd and 3rd step in the center of the width of the yakinori, slightly closer to the nearest edge rather that the middle of the spread vinegared sushi rice. (See image 3)
- While holding in the ingredients in place, lift the bamboo mat with the yakinori and start rolling from the nearest edge in one motion until the closest edge of the vinegared rice and the furthest edge of the vinegared rice meet.
- Apply gentle pressure with both hands to settle the ingredients.
- While pressing down on the edge of the rolled portion with your hands, gently pull forward the bamboo and roll up completely.
- While pulling the bamboo mat upwards and forward (away from yourself), roll the fat sushi to make a full wrap.
- Lastly, shape the roll into a perfect cylindrical shape by gentle pressing on the bamboo mat, then allow to rest for the ingredients to settle.
- Lightly wet a knife with vinegared water, first cut the roll into half horizontally, and then cut each half into 4 or 5 rounds. Place on a plate and enjoy with soy sauce.
#Kikkoman #Nishiki #Tamanishiki #Japanesefoods #sashimi #sushi #futomaki #thicksushiroll #fatsushiroll #seafood #whiterice #sushirice #sushiroll #eggs #shrimps