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Tendon (Tempura Rice Bowl)


25 Minutes


Tendon Sauce:

  • 1Tbsp Kikkoman Soy Sauce
  • ½ tsp sugar
  • 2 Tbsp water
  • ½ tsp dashi / Japanese soup stock (granules)

Main Ingredients:

  • About 300 g (10.6 oz) of warm cooked Nishiki white rice
  • 4 pieces of shrimo (headless, medium)
  • 1 small eggplant (about 80 g or 2.8 oz)
  • 1/6 carrot (about 30 g or 1.1. oz)
  • 1 green pepper (about 40 g or 1.4 oz)
  • ¼ egg, beaten
  • 110 ml (3.7 fl. oz) water
  • 125 ml (4.2 fl. oz) flour
  • Oil for deep-frying
  1. Peel and devein the shrimps. Make a few slits in the underside of the shrimps and straighten these out. Cut the eggplants in half lengthwise. Leaving about 1 cm (0.4 in.) from the stem, make lengthwise slits across the width of each piece (doing so will create fan-shaped eggplant pieces after deep-frying). Slice the carrot and onion into 5 mm (0.2 in.) thick rounds. Cut the green pepper in half lengthwise, remove the stem and seeds.
  2. Place Tendon Sauce ingredients into a pot and bring this mixture to a boil.
  3. Place the beaten egg in a bowl, add in the cold water and mix well with a fork until uniform. Sift in the flour and mix all ingredients together with a fork in a manner as if drawing the number ‘8’. Avoid over-mixing and stop mixing once only a slight powderiness remains.
  4. Heat the deep-frying oil to 180℃ (356F), coat the ingredients from (1) in (3) and deep-fry each to crispy for 2 - 3 minutes. Scoop the warm rice into bowls, top with the tempura and pour on (2).

#Kikkoman #Nishiki #Tamanishiki #Japanesefoods #tempura #tendon #tempuraricebowl #ricebowl #tempurabowl #vegetables #deepfriedvegetables #savory #deepfried

Dish Type / Ethnic Cuisine
Main Dish